Lessons We Can Learn from Zain Khan’s Success in Network Marketing

Amir Bakian
3 min readJun 29, 2022

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work.” — Stephen King.

Every talented person needs to work hard to achieve their goals because, without effort, nothing is accomplished. However, willingness to give 100% to any venture will eventually put things into place, making the efforts a success. Zain Khan started from zero to emerge as an entrepreneur and business coach helping people find success. His story has some important lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs that can motivate them to chase their goals regardless of the challenges that come their way.

Born in an Asian-British family, Zain Khan started his journey from a two-bedroom council estate house. His middle-class upbringing never deterred him from achieving his dreams. Zain realized his financial goals could be fulfilled in the network marketing industry. At the age of 19, he had no academic degree to get him a decent-paying job. However, that would deter him from trying his luck at being a network marketing professional.

Initially, it was difficult for Zain to penetrate the industry that was dominated by experienced people who had years of experience. Finally, Zain realized that he needed to mature and increase his understanding and knowledge of network marketing. He started learning everything he could and kept persisting until he succeeded in matching the knowledge level of his peers in the industry. After completing just three years of his journey in the network marketing industry, Zain got married at the age of 22. With no solid base in his career, he was afraid the responsibility of a married man would be too much for him to handle, but he was wrong.

After eight years of consistent effort, Zain emerged as a universal leader in network marketing, heading three renowned companies as a senior-level executive. To date, Zain has grossed more than eight figures in sales. He is a successful entrepreneur and a role model for many budding talents who want to find a career in network marketing. His accomplishments during the last few years have been acknowledged by the prestigious million-dollar Hall of Fame GOPRO award in 2021. This made him an inductee in the 2021 Network Marketing Pro Hall of Fame.

His achievements so far did make him forget his roots. Zain utilizes his knowledge and experience to lend a helping hand to those who want to find success. Zain guides people to help them realize their true potential and chase their goals regardless of the barriers. He believes that no goal is unattainable if one decides to put his mind and soul into it. Complete commitment to a venture will ultimately lead to success.

He wants his story to be an example for others who hesitate to venture into business because of their middle-class background or limited resources. Going forward, Zain wants to share his knowledge and experiences with thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs who have the zeal to work hard to fulfill their financial goals. He also wants more and more people to discover financial freedom through various online passive income channels.



Amir Bakian

Social Media Marketing agent with 6 years of sales experience. I work really hard to get my clients the best representation to further their businesses.